A place to unwind: journaling for an HSP

For some reason I have always found the last quarter of the year quite stressful. Heading back to school or uni, or back to work after a summer holiday certainly require some settling in time. And after that there only seem to be a couple of weeks left before everyone is talking about Christmas! The upcoming bright lights and increasing social demands can be an exciting time for many. But for those who identify as a highly sensitive person, or HSP, this can be a difficult season. Making time to withdraw, de-stress and recharge is vital, and journaling for an HSP can create a place to unwind and focus on personal wellbeing.

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Connecting the dots: How BuJo can be your organisational superpower

If you’re a fan of planners and organising, you’ve probably heard of the bullet journaling trend. It’s a minimalistic style of planning that’s designed to help you start connecting the dots and organising your life.

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Slow down: How journal writing can benefit adults with ADHD

Do you ever feel like you need the world to stop moving? We know the feeling. Sometimes life can feel too busy. You might not be able to manage your thoughts, or your stress levels might be getting to you. With the self-care revolution, we’re all trying to find ways to slow down and help stay on top of life.

Continue reading Slow down: How journal writing can benefit adults with ADHD

Billy’s Top Five Styles of Journaling

Hello! Thank you for checking out our first post on the Billy blog. We hope that this can become a place to share inspiration for getting the most out of your Billy book, for learning new techniques and skills, and getting a few tips on creating perfect gifts. To get started we’ve made a list of of Billy’s Top Five Styles of Journaling… so if you’re looking for an excuse to treat yourself to a new notebook then read on!

Continue reading Billy’s Top Five Styles of Journaling